
Welcome to Adelaide Mindfulness

Mindful Self-Compassion Programs, Compassion Focussed Mindfulness Workshops and MSC Teacher Mentoring.


Our vision is to assist people to live courageous, compassionate and joyful lives. We believe every situation is workable no matter how uncomfortable or stuck it may seem. We are committed to assisting people to learn skills and techniques for creating both balance and meaning in their life.
Enhance: kindness, connection, creativity, courage and joy
Reduce: anxiety, stress, disconnection and suffering

MSC Programs

Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

Do you find yourself being overly self-critical? Anxious? Feeling not quite good enough? Annoyed? Distressed at the hard time you are giving yourself?
The Mindful Self-Compassion program teaches the skills of motivating oneself with compassion, mindfulness and kindness rather than harsh self-criticism. Learning to encourage and care for yourself in the same way you would a loved one - no more or no less. This empirically supported 8-session program is based on the groundbreaking research of Kristin Neff and the clinical expertise of Chris Germer, and enables participants to transform their relationship with themselves. For more information please click here...

MSC Workshops

Tina is one of a handful of senior MSC teachers, the only MSC Teacher Trainer here in Australia. She has the experience and group facilitation skills to create the right workshop to meet your needs.


Examples of workshops we can offer include:
MSC Inner Resiliency Training (6-hours)
Introduction to Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
2-Day MSC Core Skills Training



“When you become aware of silence, immediately there is that state of inner still alertness. You are present. You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective human conditioning.” - Eckhart Tolle


In our life we are frequently operating in a doing mode, often multi-tasking which can feel like we are chasing to catch our breath. This pace can often be relentless, whereby we are constantly wired and plugged in, struggling to switch off. 

Time to pause to unplug and replenish...

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Morning retreats

Click here for details...


"This has been a profound experience. You’ve opened me to an inner self who is compassionate and someone I can trust"

"This program exceeded my expectations. The whole concept of self-compassion was foreign to me prior to attending the program and now I feel I have access to some very valuable tools to help me continue to activate and maintain my calming system and so much more."

"My soul journey has found a lot more paths to explore because of you and the course, thank you Tina."

"It is an inspirational journey that we all shared with each other."

Compassion-Based Mindfulness Programs and Workshops:
Creating and delivering individual sessions or group training in Mindfulness, Meditation, Compassion and 
Self-Compassion to manage problematic stress and anxiety.
© 2024, Adelaide Mindfulness